As Catholics, we look to the saints as examples of holy living and faithful devotion to God. Their lives inspire us to grow closer to Christ each day. That’s why honoring the saints according to the liturgical calendar is an important tradition in the Catholic faith.
In this guide, I provide a day-by-day calendar with a brief introduction to each saint we honor throughout the year. My hope is that this overview gives you some new saints to learn from and celebrate on their feast days.

Catholic Saint Of The Day January
1-Jan | Mary, The Holy Mother of God | We honor Mary, who conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Her yes to God’s plan brought salvation to the world. |
2-Jan | St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen | These two 4th century bishops defended the divinity of Jesus Christ against the Arian heresy. |
3-Jan | Most Holy Name of Jesus | We celebrate the name of Jesus, which means “God saves” in Hebrew. |
4-Jan | St. Elizabeth Ann Seton | The first native born American saint founded the first American parish school and helped establish Catholic schools. |
5-Jan | St. John Neumann | This Redemptorist priest became the first American bishop to be canonized. He helped establish the Catholic parochial school system. |
6-Jan | St. André Bessette | Known as a miracle worker during his life in Canada, he devoted his life to helping the sick. |
7-Jan | St. Raymond of Penyafort | A Spanish Dominican priest known for his mercy and compassion in the confessional. |
8-Jan | St. Thorfinn | A Norwegian bishop revered for his efforts to spread Christianity along the Norse trade routes. |
9-Jan | St Peter Thomas | A Carmelite priest known for his courage and zeal for preaching in India and Armenia. |
10-Jan | St. William of Bourges | A French priest whose patronage includes gaining employment due to his care for the unemployed. |
11-Jan | St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch | Founded a monastery in Israel that set the pattern for Eastern monasticism. |
12-Jan | St. Marguerite Bourgeoys | Established the Congregation of Notre Dame in Canada to provide education for the poor. |
13-Jan | St. Hilary of Poitiers | An early Church father who defended the full divinity of Christ against Arianism. |
14-Jan | St. Sava | As the first archbishop of Serbia, he helped establish dioceses, monasteries and churches to spread the faith. |
15-Jan | St. Paul the Hermit | One of the first Christian hermits, he offered the first example of consecrated solitary life. |
16-Jan | St. Berard and Companions | First Franciscan missionaries to Africa who shed their blood for preaching the Gospel in Morocco. |
17-Jan | St. Anthony of Egypt | The father of monasticism who retreated into the desert and devoted himself to spiritual disciplines. |
18-Jan | St. Margaret of Hungary | A Dominican nun devoted to prayer and penance. She ate only once daily. |
19-Jan | St. Macrina the Elder | A devout woman who raised several saints, including St. Basil, St. Gregory and St. Peter. |
20-Jan | St. Fabian | An early 3rd century Pope who divided Rome into parishes and sent out missionaries. |
21-Jan | St. Agnes | One of the most celebrated virgin martyrs of the early church. She died at age 12 defending her vow of virginity. |
22-Jan | St. Vincent of Saragossa | Early martyr who defended his faith before his tormentors during the Diocletian persecution. |
23-Jan | St. John the Almsgiver | The Patriarch of Alexandria known for his exceptional work among the poor and oppressed. |
24-Jan | St. Francis de Sales | The bishop of Geneva who used gentle persuasion and kindness to re |
25-Jan | Conversion of St. Paul | We celebrate the conversion of the great apostle to the Gentiles following his vision on the road to Damascus. |
26-Jan | Sts. Timothy and Titus | Paul’s trusted companions who helped spread Christianity across the Mediterranean world. |
27-Jan | St. Angela Merici | Founded the Ursulines, an order devoted to the education of girls and women. |
28-Jan | St. Thomas Aquinas | The greatest medieval theologian who helped develop natural law theory and explore the interaction of faith and reason. |
29-Jan | St. Gildas the Wise | A 6th century monk and historian who helped revive religion after the fall of the Roman Empire. |
30-Jan | St. Bathildis | A queen in France who protected the Church, freed prisoners and slaves, and lived a life devoted to prayer and charity. |
31-Jan | St. John Bosco | Dedicated his life to the betterment and education of street children, unemployed and other disadvantaged youth. |
Catholic Saints Days February
1-Feb | St. Brigid of Kildare | Co-patroness of Ireland, she founded several monasteries that were known for their charity. |
2-Feb | Candlemas Day | Celebrates the infant Christ being presented at the Temple in Jerusalem after his birth. |
3-Feb | St. Blaise | 4th century bishop and martyr, he is invoked for protection of throats and healing illnesses of the throat. |
4-Feb | St. Joseph of Leonessa | A Capuchin priest who nursed the sick and welcomed the outcasts. |
5-Feb | St. Agatha | Patron saint of Sicily, she was martyred in the third century for refusing a powerful Roman’s advances. |
6-Feb | St. Paul Miki and Companions | First martyrs of Japan who were killed for refusing to renounce their faith. |
7-Feb | St. Colette | A French nun who reformed the Poor Clares and lived a life devoted to prayer and penance. |
8-Feb | St. Josephine Bakhita | Former Sudanese slave who found freedom in Italy and became a Canossian Sister renowned for her sanctity. |
9-Feb | St. Miguel Febres Cordero | An Ecuadorian priest devoted to education and promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart. |
10-Feb | St. Scholastica | Twin sister of St. Benedict, she founded a monastery and devoted her life to prayer and conversation with God. |
11-Feb | Our Lady of Lourdes | We celebrate the first apparition of Mary to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France. |
12-Feb | St. Buono | A Benedictine monk from Scotland known for his ceaseless prayer and dedication to the religious life. |
13-Feb | St. Catherine de Ricci | A Florentine nun devoted to prayer, meditation and care for the sick. She experienced mystical ecstasies during times of deep prayer. |
14-Feb | Sts. Cyril and Methodius | Brothers who converted the Slavic people and translated the Bible and liturgy into the people’s native language. |
15-Feb | St. Claude de la Colombiere | A Jesuit priest who served as confessor for St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and helped spread devotion to the Sacred Heart. |
16-Feb | St. Onesimus | A runaway slave who St. Paul converted while imprisoned. Paul sent him back to Philemon as a “beloved brother.” |
17-Feb | The Seven Founders of the Servite Order | Seven Florentine merchants who devoted themselves to prayer and penance. |
18-Feb | St. Bernadette Soubirous | A nun and visionary to whom Our Lady of Lourdes first appeared. |
19-Feb | St. Conrad of Piacenza | A lay tertiary of the Franciscans known for his pilgrimages walking barefoot. |
20-Feb | St. Jacinta and Francisco Marto | Two of the three young shepherd children who witnessed apparitions at Fatima. |
21-Feb | St. Peter Damian | Made a cardinal and bishop for his reform efforts, he promoted sanctity among priests and monks. |
22-Feb | Chair of St. Peter | A feast celebrating St. Peter and his successors as leader of the Church founded by Christ. |
23-Feb | St. Polycarp | A disciple of St. John who became bishop of Smyrna. He was martyred for refusing to worship Roman gods. |
24-Feb | St. Ethelbert | The first Christian English king. He introduced Christianity to the Anglo-Saxons. |
25-Feb | St. Tarasius | Elected Patriarch of Constantinople, he presided over Second Council of Nicaea which condemned iconoclasm. |
26-Feb | St. Porphyry of Gaza | Bishop known for destroying pagan temples and vanquishing demonic possession and addiction in his see. |
27-Feb | St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows | A young Passionist priest devoted to the Sorrows of Mary. |
28-Feb | St. Oswald | Anglo-Saxon king who re-established Christianity in his lands after earlier pagan conquests. |
Catholic Saints Days For March
1-Mar | St. David of Wales | Bishop who helped spread Christianity throughout Wales and founded an ascetic monastery. |
2-Mar | St. Agnes of Bohemia | A nun devoted to serving the poor and homeless. She embraced poverty and suffering to be closer to Christ. |
3-Mar | St. Katharine Drexel | An American heiress who founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to serve Native Americans and African Americans. |
4-Mar | St. Casimir | As a prince of Poland, he devoted his life to prayer, religious study and charity to the poor |
5-Mar | St. John Joseph of the Cross | A brother devoted to helping the poor and sick. He folded the linen of those infected during a plague. |
6-Mar | Sts. Perpetua and Felicity | Early 3rd century martyrs who remained faithful even as they faced death by wild animals. |
7-Mar | Sts. Perpetua and Felicity | Early martyrs who faced death by wild animals with courage and faithfulness to Christ. |
8-Mar | St. John of God | Gave up military career to care for the sick and destitute. Founded the Order of Hospitallers. |
9-Mar | St. Frances of Rome | Founded an order of Benedictine oblates after her husband passed away. Known for her charitable works. |
10-Mar | St. Simplicius | Became Pope during turbulent times, he worked to promote unity between the East and the expanding West. |
11-Mar | St. Eulogius of Spain | Priest and scholar who was martyred for defending the Christian faith against Muslim conquerors. |
12-Mar | St. Maximilian | Conscientious objector who refused military service. Sentenced to starvation in prison. |
13-Mar | St. Roderic and the Martyrs of Córdoba | One of over 50 Christians martyred by Muslims rulers in Córdoba, Spain in the 9th century. |
14-Mar | St. Matilda | A German queen who used her wealth and power to advance the Church and help reform monasteries and convents. |
15-Mar | St. Louise de Marillac | With St. Vincent de Paul, she founded the Daughters of Charity and helped serve the poor. |
16-Mar | St. Heribert of Cologne | Bishop who helped restore and build churches in his see after invasions by the Holy Roman Emperor. |
17-Mar | St. Patrick | The beloved apostle and bishop who helped convert Ireland to Christianity. |
18-Mar | St. Cyril of Jerusalem | A bishop and theologian who defended the Nicene Creed against Arianism. |
19-Mar | St. Joseph | Honoring Mary’s husband and Jesus’ earthly father. Patron saint of families and fathers. |
20-Mar | St. Cuthbert | Prior, hermit and bishop in Northumbria after a vision called him to a more reclusive life of prayer. |
21-Mar | St. Nicholas Owen | Jesuit lay brother who used his carpentry skills to construct hidden rooms and passages for persecuted priests. |
22-Mar | St. Nicholas of Flüe | Renowned Swiss mystic who experienced heavenly visions. He lived as a hermit for decades. |
23-Mar | Turibius of Mogrovejo | Established an archdiocese in Peru and traveled South America to evangelize indigenous peoples. |
24-Mar | St. Catherine of Genoa | An Italian widow who ran a hospital and admired for her austere life and devotion to the sick. |
25-Mar | Annunciation of the Lord | Celebrating the Angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary about conceiving Christ through the Holy Spirit. |
26-Mar | St. Ludger | Missionary monk praised for his zeal in Frisia and Saxony during the 8th century effort to convert pagan Germanic tribes. |
27-Mar | St. Rupert | Bishop of Salzburg who helped establish churches and monasteries to spread Christianity into Bavaria and Austria. |
28-Mar | St. Tutilo | A medieval monk gifted in music, literature, art and intelligence. Known for his charity. |
29-Mar | St. Jonas and St. Barachisius | Two monks known for their piety. St. Jonas became bishop but desired the solitary religious life. |
30-Mar | St. John Climacus | A 7th century monk and writer of The Ladder of Divine Ascent which describes the monastic life as a spiritual journey. |
31-Mar | St. Benjamin | Deacon who helped St. Paul spread Christianity in the early Church and suffered martyrdom in Persia. |
Saints Day Catholic April
1-Apr | St. Hugh | Became bishop of Grenoble at age 23 and worked to reform corrupt religious institutions of his day. |
2-Apr | St. Francis of Paola | Founded the Order of Minims devoted to prayer, fasting and abstinence from meat and other foods. |
3-Apr | St. Richard | Bishop of Chichester who earned the ire of King Henry III for calling out his misdeeds. |
4-Apr | St. Isidore | Archbishop of Seville revered for his scholarship and encyclopedic knowledge synthesized in the Etymologiae. |
5-Apr | St. Vincent Ferrer | Dominican preacher who helped eliminate an antipope and earned renown for his spirituality and miraculous acts. |
6-Apr | St. Celsus | Early martyr who was entombed alive in Smyrna for refusing to renounce Christianity. |
7-Apr | St. John Baptist de la Salle | Established training colleges for teachers that led to widespread schooling for the poor. |
8-Apr | St. Julie Billiart | With St. Francis Xavier Blessed Sacrament, she founded Sisters of Notre Dame devoted to educating poor girls. |
9-Apr | St. Waldetrudis | An early medieval abbess devoted to asceticism and care for the poor and sick. |
10-Apr | St. Magdalena of Canossa | Wealthy Italian countess who founded the Daughters of Charity Servants for orphans and the poor. |
11-Apr | St. Stanislaus | Bold bishop who took a stand against exploitative Polish king and unfair feudal conditions imposed on peasants. |
12-Apr | St. Teresa of Los Andes | Chilean Carmelite sister who died young yet left a legacy of spiritual transformation through prayer. |
13-Apr | St. Martin I | Pope who was arrested and died in exile for refusing to remain silent in the face of heresy. |
14-Apr | St. Lydwine | A sickly Dutch teenager who suffered intense pain for decades and offered it for sinners. |
15-Apr | St. Paterius | A child monk revered for his asceticism, holiness and thaumaturgical healing gifts. |
16-Apr | St. Bernadette | Marking the anniversary of her passing after a life devoted to prayer as a sister in Lourdes. |
17-Apr | St. Stephen Harding | Co-founder and abbot of Citeaux Abbey that formed the Cistercian order known for austerity. |
18-Apr | St. Apollonius | An early Christian apologist who presented an eloquent, philosophical defense of his condemned faith. |
19-Apr | St. Alphege | Archbishop captured by Viking raiders and martyred after refusing to allow a ransom paid for his freedom. |
20-Apr | St. Agnes of Montepulciano | A Dominican nun known for asceticism, visions and guiding her convent through famine. |
21-Apr | St. Anselm | Scholastic theologian considered creator of Christological satisfaction theory of atonement. |
22-Apr | St. Adalbert | Patron saint of Poland and Hungary revered for converting pagans and his years living as a contemplative hermit. |
23-Apr | St. George | Early Christian soldier martyred under Diocletian. Legendary tales of his courage inspired medieval Crusaders. |
24-Apr | St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen | A Swiss Capuchin priest martyred while preaching against Calvinism during the Protestant Reformation. |
25-Apr | St. Mark | Wrote one of the four Gospels. He compiled St. Peter’s teachings and founded the church of Alexandria. |
26-Apr | St. Clarence | English monk elected abbot for his example of loving God through night vigils, fasts, tears and eventually martyrdom by Vikings invading his monastery. |
27-Apr | St. Zita | Patron saint of domestic workers. She served loyally for 48 years despite abuse and was known for giving to the poor. |
28-Apr | St. Peter Chanel | Martyr and first priest to evangelize the South Pacific island of Futuna. |
29-Apr | St. Catherine of Siena | Influential 14th century mystic who helped return the papacy to Rome. |
30-Apr | St. Pius V | Reformed the Church as Pope during a pivotal time following the Council of Trent. |
Saint Of The Day May
1-May | St. Joseph the Worker | Honoring Mary’s husband and Jesus’ earthly father who worked as a carpenter to support the family. |
2-May | St. Athanasius | Early Church doctor who defended Christ’s divinity. Known for his book On the Incarnation. |
3-May | Sts. Philip and James | Two apostles who spread Christianity in the ancient world. James led the Jerusalem church. |
4-May | St. Florian | A martyred Roman soldier now invoked against fires and disasters. |
5-May | St. Angelus of Jerusalem | A holy hermit monk martyred by unbelievers while destroying pagan idols and temples. |
6-May | St. Dominic Savio | Patron of choirboys. Joined St. John Bosco’s oratory and known for his piety at a young age. |
7-May | St. John of Beverley | Bishop who strongly opposed the slave trade and worked to free prisoners taken during war. |
8-May | St. Peter of Tarantaise | Archbishop who left a high-ranking position out of longing for the contemplative life. Later elected pope. |
9-May | St. Pachomius | Founded cenobitic Christian monasticism, where monks live together under one roof. |
10-May | St. John of Avila | Reformer and spiritual writer who influenced St. Teresa of Avila and helped revitalize the Church in Spain. |
11-May | St. Francis of Girolamo | Priest with healing gift who cared for the sick and founded the Order of Minims for the Poor. |
12-May | Sts. Nereus, Achilleus & Pancras | Early Roman martyrs, soldiers and friends who secretly spread Christianity until found out. |
13-May | Our Lady of Fatima | Marking the first apparition of Mary to three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. |
14-May | St. Matthias | Selected to take Judas’ place among the Twelve Apostles after witnessing Jesus’ resurrection firsthand. |
15-May | St. Isidore the Farmer | Patron saint of farmers who attended daily Mass and prayed while plowing. |
16-May | St. John Nepomucene | Czech martyr drowned after refusing to break the seal of confession for the King. |
17-May | St. Paschal Baylon | A humble shepherd who became a lay Franciscan brother devoted to the Eucharist and penance. |
18-May | St. Venantius | Patron against stomach diseases. As a teen, he bravely faced cruel tortures before death. |
19-May | St. Ivo | Patron saint of lawyers who administered justice, mediated disputes and advocated for the poor. |
20-May | St. Bernadine of Siena | Influential preacher and reformer devoted to the Holy Name of Jesus. |
21-May | St. Eugene de Mazenod | Founded the Missionary Oblates to serve spiritually deprived communities. |
22-May | St. Rita of Cascia | Mystic nun who suffered family tragedies and a wound on her forehead like Christ’s crown of thorns. |
23-May | St. John Baptist Rossi | Priest admired for bringing prisoners and hospitalized soldiers spiritual comfort amid suffering. |
24-May | St. David I of Scotland | Transforming king who expanded the Scottish church, founded monasteries and enacted religious reforms. |
25-May | St. Bede the Venerable | Monk and scholar considered the greatest Anglo-Saxon historian. Helped date Easter. |
26-May | St. Philip Neri | Led an apostolic movement that helped reform Rome amid corruption following the Renaissance.. |
27-May | St. Augustine of Canterbury | Benedictine monk sent to convert pagan England by Pope St. Gregory the Great. |
28-May | St. Bernard of Montjoux | Patron saint of mountaineers who built hospices for travelers crossing the Alps. |
29-May | St. Bona of Pisa | Mystic laywoman and pilgrim devoted to prayer and helping the poor despite her wealth. |
30-May | St. Joan of Arc | Peasant girl who led French troops against English occupation. Burned at the stake at 19. |
31-May | Visitation of Mary | Celebrating Virgin Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth when both miraculously conceived sons. |
Catholic Saint Of The Day June
1-Jun | St. Justin Martyr | Influential 2nd century philosopher who converted to Christianity and refuted Greek philosophies of his day. |
2-Jun | Sts. Marcellinus and Peter | Exorcised demons but sentenced to animal mauling after refusing to offer incense to idols. |
3-Jun | St. Charles Lwanga | One of 22 Ugandan martyrs executed for refusing a powerful ruler’s homosexual advances. |
4-Jun | St. Francis Caracciolo | Founder of Minor Clerics Regular devoted to spreading devotion to the Eucharist and the Trinity. |
5-Jun | St. Boniface | Known as the Apostle of Germany. Played a key role in solidifying Christianity among German tribes. |
6-Jun | St. Norbert | Archbishop and key reformer who fought priest incontinence and helped found the Premonstratensians. |
7-Jun | St. Robert of Newminster | Led a conversion from the worldly life to one devoted to prayer, manual labor and scholarship as a monk. |
8-Jun | St. William of York | Archbishop murdered by a rival while preparing for Mass. Known for piety and reform efforts. |
9-Jun | St. Ephrem | Revered 4th century deacon and theologian declared a Doctor of the Church for his hymns and writings. |
10-Jun | St. Getulius and Companions | 4th century martyrs who converted the jailer in their prison before being cruelly tortured. |
11-Jun | St. Barnabas | Traveling companion of Paul who evangelized Gentiles and may have authored the Gospel of Matthew. |
12-Jun | St. John of Sahagun | Formed Christian fraternities and Open Door charity hospices for the poor and homeless in Spain. |
13-Jun | St. Anthony of Padua | Franciscan renowned as a gifted preacher, theologian and miracle worker. Patron saint of lost things. |
14-Jun | St. Methodius | With his brother St. Cyril, he translated Bible and converted Slavic people. Named co-patron saint of Europe. |
15-Jun | St. Vitus | Early martyr invoked against epilepsy, chorea and similar disorders due to apparent healing miracles. |
16-Jun | St. John Francis Regis | Known as a preacher with a special ministry to the poor, especially fallen women. |
17-Jun | St. Emily de Vialar | Founded Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition devoted to serving the poor, sick and uneducated. |
18-Jun | St. Gregory Barbarigo | Cardinal bishop and educator who founded seminaries and published revised catechism. |
19-Jun | St. Romuald | Prominent medieval monk who help found Camaldolese monasteries focused on extreme asceticism. |
20-Jun | St. Silverius | Exiled then reinstated 6th century pope caught amid crossfire between rival Italian rulers. |
21-Jun | St. Aloysius Gonzaga | Jesuit known for his charity and work with plague victims. Patron saint of AIDS patients. |
22-Jun | St. Thomas More | Influential lawyer martyred by Henry VIII for refusing to acknowledge him head of the Church. |
23-Jun | St. Joseph Cafasso | Zealous Italian priest devoted to prison ministry and worker rights amid industrialization.. |
24-Jun | Birth of John the Baptist | Celebrating the miraculous early birth of Jesus’ cousin foretold to Zechariah and Elizabeth. |
25-Jun | St. William of Vercelli | Founded early monasteries like Montecassino and popularized use of the penitential sacrament. |
26-Jun | St. Josemaría Escrivá | Pioneered role of laypeople through Opus Dei spiritual formation open to all walks of life. |
27-Jun | St. Cyril of Alexandria | Patriarch who fought Nestorian heresy and proclaimed Mary the God-bearer (Theotokos). |
28-Jun | St. Irenaeus | Defended Christianity amid heresies like Gnosticism. Only early Church father with full texts surviving. |
29-Jun | Sts. Peter and Paul | Celebrating these Apostles, pivotal leaders in the early Church and martyred during Nero’s reign. |
30-Jun | St. Martial | 3rd century bishop sent to evangelize the Gauls by St. Peter. First Limoges bishop who battled paganism and sorcery there. |
Saint Days Catholic July
1-Jul | St. Junipero Serra | Founded mission churches up California coast that became modern day Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego. |
2-Jul | St. Oliver Plunkett | Irish Archbishop tried then hung, drawn and quartered by English officials amid Catholic persecution. |
3-Jul | St. Thomas | Doubting apostle who traveled east and possibly evangelized India. Known for affirming Jesus’ resurrection. |
4-Jul | St. Elizabeth of Portugal | Queen devoted to peacemaking efforts between her son and husband amid war and conflict. |
5-Jul | St. Anthony Zaccaria | Founded Barnabites devoted to renewing faith through preaching and missions during Church reform. |
6-Jul | St. Maria Goretti | An eleven-year-old martyr admired for her purity and forgiveness of her attempted rapist. |
7-Jul | St. Pantaenus | Influential 2nd century theologian and missionary to the East. Considered a Church father. |
8-Jul | St. Priscilla and St. Aquila | Husband and wife who traveled with St. Paul spreading Christianity in early Church. |
9-Jul | St. Augustine Zhao Rong | One of 120 Chinese Boxer Rebellion martyrs canonized in 2000. Killed for converting to Christianity. |
10-Jul | St. Canute | Danish king who built churches and promoted religious reform until his murder by rivals. |
11-Jul | St. Benedict of Nursia | Founder of Western monastic movement and Benedictine Order guided by his famed Rule. |
12-Jul | St. John Jones | Franciscan friar martyred for staying to serve Catholics during Protestant ascendency in England. |
13-Jul | St. Henry II | Pious leader who rose to Holy Roman Emperor. Known for his Benedictine patronage and church reforms. |
14-Jul | St. Kateri Tekakwitha | Daughter of an Algonquin chief who converted to Catholicism despite community hostility. |
15-Jul | St. Bonaventure | Scholastic theologian and Doctor of the Church celebrated for bringing faith and reason together. |
16-Jul | Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Celebrating the Carmelite tradition Marian devotion. |
17-Jul | St. Alexius | Renowned 5th century ascetic who lived in poverty unrecognized under his father’s stairs. |
18-Jul | St. Frederick | Bishop of Utrecht martyred by pagans while evangelizing what today are the Netherlands. |
19-Jul | St. Macrina the Younger | a nun who supported early fathers like Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, and her brother Peter. |
20-Jul | St. Apollinaris | Disciple of St. Peter is consecrated as Bishop of Ravenna. He was revered for his writings and martyrdom. |
21-Jul | St. Lawrence of Brindisi | Known for outstanding linguistic skills used in debating Protestant reformers. |
22-Jul | St. Mary Magdalene | Disciple Jesus, witness to the crucifixion and resurrection. Later, solitary religious contemplatio. |
23-Jul | St. Bridget of Sweden | Mystic was devoted to reforming the church by founding the Bridgettine nuns after widowhood. |
24-Jul | St. Christina the Astonishing | Born in Belgium, she suffered violent mystical ecstasies after miraculously returning to life. |
25-Jul | St. James | Apostle known as James the Greater. Brother of John the Evangelist. The First Apostle wa martyred under Herod Agrippa. |
26-Jul | Sts. Joachim and Anne | On the Feast of Grandparents, we honor Jesus’ grandparents and Mary’s parents. |
27-Jul | St. Pantaleon | a physician martyred for practicing medicine as a Christian under the Diocletian persecutions. |
28-Jul | St. Samson of Dol | Welsh missionary monk who helped found monasteries to preserve Catholic life amid invasions. |
29-Jul | St. Martha of Bethany | Friend of Jesus and sister to Lazarus and Mary. Honored for her hospitality. |
30-Jul | St. Peter Chrysologus | Friend of Jesus and sister to Lazarus and Mary. Honored for her hospitality. |
31-Jul | St. Ignatius of Loyola | Founded the Jesuit order devoted to education and global evangelization. He wrote the spiritual exercises. |
Saint Day Catholic August
1 | St. Alphonsus Liguori | Bishop, founder of the Redemptorists, and doctor of the Church. Known for his moral theology. |
2 | St. Eusebius Vercelli | Opposed Arian heresy and fostered ascetic way of life as the first official monk serving as a bishop. |
3 | St. Lydia of Thyatira | Wealthy purple goods merchant converted by St. Paul in Philippi. First recorded European convert. |
4 | St. John Vianney | Renowned and saintly parish priest who spent hours daily hearing confessions. |
5 | The Dedication of St. Mary Major | Oldest Marian church in Rome with relics of Jesus’ manger from Bethlehem. |
6 | Transfiguration of the Lord | Celebrating the revelation of Christ’s divinity to Peter, James and John on Mount Tabor. |
7 | St. Cajetan | Co-founder of Theatines devoted to renewing Church. Known for work with unemployed and founding Montes Pietatis funds for small loans. |
8 | St. Dominic | Founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) who preserved orthodoxy against the Cathars heresy. |
9 | St. Teresa Benedicta | Carmelite nun, philosopher and Auschwitz martyr. Known for her theological writings bridging faith and reason. |
10 | St. Lawrence | Deacon martyred by the Romans on an outdoor iron grill. Invoked by the poor and needy. |
11 | St. Clare of Assisi | Founded the Order of Poor Ladies based on the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi. |
12 | St. Jane Frances de Chantal | Founded Order of the Visitation for women unsuited for the strict rules of religious orders. |
13 | Sts. Pontian & Hippolytus | Saints who ended a schism in the 3rd century Church by forgiving each other before dying as martyrs. |
14 | St. Maximilian Kolbe | Polish Franciscan martyred in Auschwitz after sacrificing himself to save a fellow prisoner. |
15 | Assumption of Mary | Declared a dogma in 1950, celebrating Mary being assumed body and soul into Heaven at the end of her life. |
16 | St. Stephen of Hungary | King devoted to spreading Christianity throughout Hungary and known for his personal austerity. |
17 | St. Hyacinth of Poland | A traveling Dominican preacher who spread devotion to Mary and the rosary across Poland and Northern Europe. |
18 | St. Jane Frances de Chantal | Founded Visitation order with St. Francis de Sales for women unsuited for strict enclosure. |
19 | St. John Eudes | Missionary, priest and founder dedicated to improving priestly formation in France after Protestant Reformation. |
20 | St. Bernard of Clairvaux | Influential Cistercian monk and abbot who fought heresies and tried mediating royal disputes. |
21 | St. Pius X | Known for efforts to catechize young Catholics. Lowered first Communion age to 7 or older. |
22 | Queenship of Mary | A 1954 encyclical making this Feast Day focused on honoring Mary’s Queen of Heaven title. |
23 | St. Rose of Lima | Known for fasting, penance and contemplative devotion to Christ’s suffering. First saint of the New World. |
24 | St. Bartholomew | One of the 12 Apostles present at Christ’s Ascension. Preached in India and martyred for refusing to worship an idol. |
25 | St. Joseph Calasanz | Pioneered free education by founding Order of Clerics Regular of the Pious Schools (Piarists) with free schools. |
26 | St. Teresa of Calcutta | Nobel Peace Prize winner canonized in 2016 for her service to “the poorest of the poor” through the Missionaries of Charity. |
27 | St. Monica | Persistent prayers and Christian example led to the conversion of her son, St. Augustine of Hippo. |
28 | St. Augustine of Hippo | Influential Church doctor who merged Christianity with aspects of Greek philosophy. Wrote Confessions. |
29 | Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist | Early martyr baptizing Jesus then killed by King Herod to satisfy an oath at his stepdaughter’s request. |
30 | Sts. Felix and Adauctus | Italian father and son martyred together for their faith during Diocletian persecution. |
31 | St. Aristides | Considered the first Christian apologist. His writings aimed to explain Christianity to pagan intellectuals and rulers. |
Saint Of The Day September Catholic
1-Sep | St. Giles | Lived as a 7th century hermit monk. Patron saint of breast cancer, cancer patients, and those disabled. |
2-Sep | St. Ingrid of Sweden | Widowed Queen known for spiritual advising, extensive fasting and care for the poor and sick. |
3-Sep | St. Gregory the Great | Celebrated pope and Doctor of the Church considered a main influence on medieval spiritual thought. |
4-Sep | St. Rosalia | 12th century Sicilian noblewoman who embraced solitude in a cave. Invoked against epidemics. |
5-Sep | St. Teresa of Calcutta | 20th century icon who founded Missionaries of Charity to aid poor, sick and dying in India slums. |
6-Sep | St. Petronax | Wealthy 7th century monk who founded the monastery that became the city of Monte Cassino. |
7-Sep | St. Cloud | Frankish monk known for devotion to poverty and asceticism. Established early monasteries. |
8-Sep | Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Celebrating the birth of the mother of Jesus Christ. |
9-Sep | St. Peter Claver | Spanish Jesuit renowned for service to black slaves arriving in the New World from West Africa. |
10-Sep | St. Nicholas Tolentino | Known for austerity and devotion to the souls suffering in purgatory. Helped counter heresy. |
11-Sep | St. Deiniol | Early 6th century Welsh monk who lived in solitude doing hard manual labor before reluctantly becoming a bishop. |
12-Sep | Most Holy Name of Mary | Honors the mother of Jesus and her special role in history. |
13-Sep | St. John Chrysostom | Influential 4th century bishop and preacher declared a Doctor of the Church for his extensive teachings. |
14-Sep | The Exaltation of the Holy Cross | Honors Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary which accomplished our salvation. |
15-Sep | St. Catherine Flannery | Known as Sister Mary Joseph Catherine. She spearheaded nursing during American Civil War as superior at Satterlee Hospital. |
16-Sep | Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian | Early 3rd century saints faced persecution and worked to unify the Church in North Africa. |
17-Sep | St. Robert Bellarmine | Influential Jesuit cardinal who debated Protestant reformers and supported Copernicus’ heliocentrism. |
18-Sep | St. Joseph of Cupertino | Franciscan known for praying, humility and reported miraculous levitation during mystical ecstasies. |
19-Sep | St. Januarius | Early bishop martyred for refusing to worship Roman gods. Blood reportedly liquefies on this feast day. |
20-Sep | St. Andrew Kim Korean martyr | Died with numerous laity proclaiming Christian faith despite government crackdown. |
21-Sep | St. Matthew | Wrote one of the four Gospels telling Jesus’ story from a Jewish perspective aimed at Jewish converts. |
22-Sep | St. Maurice | Leader of the Theban Legion executed for refusing emperor’s order to sacrifice to Roman gods in the 3rd century. |
23-Sep | St. Padre Pio | Capuchin mystic monk who reported visions, stigmata and could read souls in confession. |
24-Sep | St. Gerard Sagredo | Bishop and close friend of St. Peter Damian who combatted simony and lax morals among Venice clergy through reform. |
25-Sep | St. Sergius | Benedictine monk who lived as a hermit in the Syrian desert. Reported miracle worker. |
26-Sep | Sts. Cosmas and Damian | Physician brothers who devoted lives to healing and are now patron saints of medicine and doctors. |
27-Sep | St. Vincent de Paul | Known for serving poor and educating clergy. Founded priests of the Mission and Daughters of Charity. |
28-Sep | St. Lawrence Ruiz | Filipino martyr killed for spreading Christianity to Japan amid persecution of local converts. |
29-Sep | Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael | Archangels honored by the Church for leading God’s angelic armies against Satan and protecting humanity. |
30-Sep | St. Jerome | Doctor of the Church, medieval monk and scholar who compiled the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible honored today. |
October Catholic Saint Of The Day
1-Oct | St. Romanos Melodos | Composed thousands of hymns and songs for liturgies still used in Eastern churches. |
2-Oct | Guardian Angels | Recognizing the spiritual protection and intercession of these special angels God assigns to each person. |
3-Oct | St. Gerard of Brogne | Benedictine abbot committed to reforming clergy amid misconduct and expanding Christain missions. |
4-Oct | St. Francis of Assisi | Beloved founder of the Franciscans seeking radical Gospel-living in poverty devoted to peace and creation. |
5-Oct | St. Faustina Kowalska | Mystic visionary of Divine Mercy devotions with special promises attached to venerating the sacred image. |
6-Oct | St. Bruno | Pioneering founder of the Carthusians, hermit monks known for silence and penance. Declined papacy. |
7-Oct | Our Lady of the Rosary | Highlights Mary’s role in the historic 1571 victory at Lepanto against Ottoman Turks attributed to praying the rosary. |
8-Oct | St. Keyne | Holy woman hermit sought for spiritual healing who tamed dragon threatening locals according to medieval legend. |
9-Oct | St. Denis | Bishop who continued preaching after decapitation. Regarded as first bishop of Paris suffering under 3rd century perseuction. |
10-Oct | St. Daniel Comboni | Dedicated life to African missions despite setbacks like malaria and obstacles faced spreading the faith. |
11-Oct | St. John XXIII | Known as “Good Pope John,” he opened Vatican II Council to “open the windows” of Church discussion in the modern world. |
12-Oct | St. Wilfrid | Influential bishop in Anglo-Saxon England who built churches and monasteries later honored as pilgrimage sites. |
13-Oct | St. Gerald | Known for asceticism but still devoted efforts to ransoming Christian slaves kidnapped by Muslims invading medieval Spain. |
14-Oct | St. Callistus I | Slave-turned pope who allowed public sinners back into the Church if penitant. Also affirmed priestly marriage then. |
15-Oct | St. Teresa of Avila | Celebrated contemplative Carmelite nun, mystic and Doctor of the Church known for Interior Castle and other writings. |
16-Oct | St. Hedwig of Silesia | Duke’s wife devoted to building hospitals and caring for the sick amid bubonic plague outbreaks in her land. |
17-Oct | St. Ignatius of Antioch | Disciple and bishop whose letters provide rare look at theology and Church life in early 2nd century before his martyrdom. |
18-Oct | St. Luke | Believed to have authored a Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. Close companion to St. Paul in evangelizing Gentiles. |
19-Oct | Sts. John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues | Jesuit missionaries martyred by Iroquois tribe while bringing Gospel to New France (Canada). |
20-Oct | St. Paul of the Cross | Passionist founder seeking Gospel simplicity who encountered ridicule for evangelizing amid pluralism of Enlightenment thought. |
21-Oct | St. Hilarion | Hermit monk furthering the eremitic tradition of his mentor, St. Anthony of Egypt. Known for asceticism and reported miracles. |
22-Oct | St. Pope John Paul II | Celebrated modern pope admired for intellectual gifts, contributions to Vatican II and role fighting 20th century communism. |
23-Oct | St. John Capistrano | Popular Franciscan preacher and inquisitor known for rousing Hungary’s defense against invading Ottoman Turks in 1456. |
24-Oct | St. Anthony Claret | Missionary archbishop who founded the Claretians during the Spanish Renaissance. Known as “spiritual father of Cuba.” |
25-Oct | Sts. Crispin and Crispinian | Brothers evangelizing Gaul who also made shoes to provide for the poor until martyred by Romans enforcing emperor worship. |
26-Oct | St. Alfred the Great | English king who defended the land from Viking invasions while also reviving Christianity and learning amid chaos. |
27-Oct | St. Frumentius | First bishop of Ethiopia who helped make it one of the earliest Christian kingdoms converting the royal family. |
28-Oct | Sts. Simon and Jude | Two apostles who helped spread the faith to Mesopotamia and Persia. Both suffered eventual martyrdom for their zeal. |
29-Oct | St. Narcissus of Jerusalem | Early bishop forced to retire to the desert by slander then brought back to see the Church through crisis. |
30-Oct | St. Alphonsus Rodriguez | Jesuit lay brother, mystic and renowned spiritual director spending 40 years as a hall porter obediently welcoming guests. |
31-Oct | St. Wolfgang of Regensberg | Bishop known for travel evangelism in Hungary and charismatic preaching converting the locals to Christianity. |
Catholic Saint Days November Month
1-Nov | All Saints’ Day | Honors all canonized saints in heaven as the everlasting Church revealed in John’s Revelation. |
2-Nov | All Souls’ Day | Commemorates the dead in purgatory through prayer and almsgiving as they journey closer to heaven. |
3-Nov | St. Martin de Porres | Patron saint against racial injustice. Faced prejudice as mixed-race religious brother renowned for healing gifts and miracles.. |
4-Nov | St. Charles Borromeo | Leading reformer in troubled era following Protestant Reformation. Renowned bishop living a modest, ascetic life. |
5-Nov | St. Bertilla | Benedictine nun and mystic known for her handicraft skills reflected in the embroidered altar-frontal given as a coronation gift. |
6-Nov | St. Leonard of Noblac | Hermit known for freeing prisoners of war after his call from Frankish royalty to more pastoral work. |
7-Nov | St. Willibrord | English missionary devoted to reforming Frisian clergy and converting pagans despite hostility and threats in the region. |
8-Nov | Four Crowned Martyrs | Early sculptors abused for refusing to carve pagan idols. Revered as patrons of mason workers preserving faith. |
9-Nov | The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica | Honors the pope’s cathedral church, St. John Lateran, as the official ecclesial seat of the Bishop of Rome. |
10-Nov | St. Leo the Great | Pope whose influential theology contributed to the Council of Chalcedon and repelled Attila the Hun’s invasion. |
11-Nov | St. Martin of Tours | Beloved patron saint of France who famously cut his officer’s cloak in half to clothe a begging veteran. |
12-Nov | St. Josaphat | Monk turned archbishop known for efforts toward Church unity until assassinated by dissenters to reunion with Rome. |
13-Nov | St. Frances Xavier Cabrini | First American canonized saint who founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart to aid poor Italian immigrants. |
14-Nov | St. Lawrence O’Toole | Irish bishop renowned for aiding the vulnerable and poor until his diplomatic tact angered England’s Henry II. |
15-Nov | St. Albert the Great | Influential philosopher and scientist who studied almost every branch of knowledge and taught luminaries like St. Thomas Aquinas. |
16-Nov | St. Margaret of Scotland | English-born queen revered for cultural achievements and personal piety despite husband Malcolm III’s violent reign. |
17-Nov | St. Elizabeth of Hungary | Royalty who embraced poverty in married life and as a Franciscan tertiary after her husband’s death. |
18-Nov | St. Rose Philippine Duchesne | French nun who opened the first free school for girls west of the Mississippi River. |
19-Nov | St. Agnes of Assisi | Abbess and miracle worker who bore stigmata of Christ’s wounds while leading the Poor Clares founded by her sister St. Clare. |
20-Nov | St. Edmund | English king murdered by Vikings invading his lands. Became venerated as a martyr. |
21-Nov | The Presentation of Mary | Apocryphal account of Mary consecrating herself to God during childhood foreshadowing her divine motherhood. |
22-Nov | St. Cecilia | Revered as the patron saint of musicians. Her chastity and martyrdom inspired Christian art and symbolism across the centuries. |
23-Nov | St. Clement I | Early pope organizing Church structure and known in Church history and legend for his extensive missionary travels. |
24-Nov | Sts. Andrew Dung | Among the 117 Vietnamese martyrs, mostly Dominican and Franciscan priests, killed between 1820-1862. |
25-Nov | St. Catherine of Alexandria | Early martyr and scholar revered as the patron saint of philosophers and female students based on traditional accounts. |
26-Nov | St. Siricius | This pope fought early heresies like Bonosianism and upheld clerical celibacy at a pivotal time when doctrine was debated. |
27-Nov | St. Virgilius | Irish missionary and bishop who evangelized medieval Bavaria. Defended that the earth was round based on Scripture. |
28-Nov | St. James of the Marche | Franciscan preacher known for devotion to Eucharistic Adoration and charity despite harsh poverty of his Italian province. |
29-Nov | St. Saturninus | Considered first bishop of Toulouse. Martyred for confronting idolatry and paganism while spreading Christianity in France. |
30-Nov | St. Andrew | Apostle, fisherman brother of Simon Peter and first disciple of John the Baptist who led him to follow Christ. |
Catholic Saint Day December
1-Dec | St. Eligius | Bishop and goldsmith who persuaded France’s King Clovis II to treat Christian subjects more humanely in policies. |
2-Dec | St. Bibiana | Consecrated virgin martyred in 4th century Rome during Emperor Julian the Apostate’s efforts to restore paganism. |
3-Dec | St. Francis Xavier | Co-founder of Jesuits renowned for missionary travels across Asia during the Counter Reformation era. |
4-Dec | St. John of Damascus | Priest, monk and hymn writer called the “Golden Speaker” for defending icons when the Byzantine emperor banned them. |
5-Dec | St. Sabas | Revered founder of Eastern monasticism in desert community Mar Saba where ascetic monks devoted lives to prayer and manual labor. |
6-Dec | St. Nicholas | The 4th century saint whose legendary charity to children, sailors and dowry-less maidens shaped enduring Christmas traditions. |
7-Dec | St. Ambrose | One of most influential theology fathers who battled Arian heresy and exerted political independence against Roman emperors of his era. |
8-Dec | Immaculate Conception | Declares that Mary was conceived without original sin to make her a fitting vessel for eventually bearing the sinless Son of God. |
9-Dec | St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin | Witnessed Our Lady of Guadalupe apparition in Mexico, inspiring mass conversions among indigenous peoples. |
10-Dec | St. Gregory III | Syrian pope who fought iconoclasm and improved Rome’s catacombs, aqueducts and cloisters amid political upheaval. |
11-Dec | Pope St. Damasus | Bolstered authority of papal primacy and commissioned St. Jerome’s Latin Vulgate Bible translation while helping women’s religious life. |
12-Dec | Our Lady of Guadalupe | Celebrates the imprinted tilma with Mary’s miraculous image displayed in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. |
13-Dec | St. Lucy | Early Sicilian martyr who secretly helped Christians hiding in Roman catacombs. Invoked for eye disorders. |
14-Dec | St.John of the Cross | Mystical theologian and poet alongside St. Teresa of Ávila known for spiritual writings like Dark Night of the Soul. |
15-Dec | St. Mary di Rosa | Founded the Handmaids of Charity order to serve and educate poor girls and women in 19th century Italy. |
16-Dec | St. Adelaide | Empress who exercised power after her husband died. Later retired to monastic life when Otto the Great rose to power. |
17-Dec | St. Olympias the Deaconess | Wealthy widow who financed churches and supported St. John Chrysostom during his persecutions then embraced monasticism. |
18-Dec | St. Winebald | With his sister St. Walburga, he helped establish Christianity in Germany under their uncle St. Boniface’s influence. |
19-Dec | St. Fausta | Wife of Constantine who may have exposed a fraudulent pagan prophecy told to her husband according to some church legends. |
20-Dec | St. Dominic of Silos | Benedictine monk renowned for welcoming Muslim rulers, ransoming Christian captives and protecting the poor in medieval Spain. |
21-Dec | St. Peter Canisius | Jesuit leader who preserved Catholicism amid the Reformation in Germany and Austria by effective teaching and apologetics. |
22-Dec | St. Chaeremon | Bishop martyred during Christian persecution in Egypt. Forgave his torturer from the cross while being burned to death. |
23-Dec | St. John of Kanty | Revered theology professor devoted to the Virgin Mary who continually aided poor students in need. |
24-Dec | St. Charbel Makhlouf | Maronite hermit monk known for miraculous cures who remains incorrupt decades after his death in 19th century Lebanon. |
25-Dec | St. Anastasia | Early martyr who visited persecuted Christians and died under Diocletian after refusing to worship Roman gods. |
26-Dec | St. Stephen | Christianity’s first martyr, killed shortly after the Crucifixion for rebuking Temple leaders’ hardness of heart toward Christ as Savior. |
27-Dec | St. John the Apostle | Beloved apostle of Jesus who authored the Fourth Gospel and Book of Revelation with its apocalyptic imagery. |
28-Dec | St. Anthony the Hermit | First Considered the father of organized Christian monasticism who retreated to desert to escape persecution. |
29-Dec | St. Thomas Becket | Saxon archbishop murdered for contesting King Henry II’s encroachments on Church authority. |
30-Dec | St. Egwin | Bishop who braved the elements to become a Benedictine monk later known for expanding Evesham Abbey’s influence. |
31-Dec | St. Sylvester | Pope who convinced Emperor Constantine to fight heresies like Arianism and built basilicas over Christian martyr shrines like St. Peter’s. |

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