I left the Apostolic Christian Church in 1984 after being a minister in it for 18 years. There were several theological and practical reasons why I made this difficult decision to leave the church I grew up in.
The Church Lacked Biblical Authority
The Apostolic Christian Church, also known as the “Jesus Only” Pentecostal Church, traces its origins back to a supposed divine revelation in 1899 in Topeka, Kansas. However, the Lord’s true church dates back to 33 AD, when the 12 disciples received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, as Jesus had promised.
No Evidence for the Pentecostal Revelation
Unlike the clear biblical record of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, there is no evidence in Scripture about a special Pentecostal revelation in Topeka. The Pentecostal church cannot show any biblical authority for its beginning.
Contradiction With Scripture
The Apostolic Christian Church teaches that the power of the Holy Spirit fell first on the 120 disciples gathered in the upper room. However, Acts 1-2 clearly states that the Spirit fell first only on the 12 apostles, not on the entire group of 120 believers.
Reliance on New Revelations
The church relies on supposed ongoing revelations from God for its practices instead of on the Word of God. But the Scripture says that it provides everything needed for salvation and godly living (2 Timothy 3:16-17). There are no new revelations.

Unbiblical Practices
In addition to lacking biblical authority for its origins and revelations, I have had increasing concerns over the years about several of the church’s practices.
Faulty Faith Healing
The church claimed that, through the Holy Spirit, miracles like faith healings occurred regularly. However, I never saw anyone heal or experience any miracles in my 18 years there. The Bible records temporary healing gifts during the apostolic age but does not promise their continuation.
Meaningless Tongues
Speaking in tongues was practiced as evidence of having the Holy Spirit. However, the Scripture links tongues with preaching the gospel to people of foreign languages. The unintelligible gibberish practiced did not match the clear biblical pattern.
Experience Over Scripture
Feelings and intuitions were esteemed over Scripture. But the Bible, not our subjective experiences, is the ultimate authority and guide for doctrine and practice. We must submit to its objective truths.
Women Preachers
Women preached and taught over men, but 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 14 prohibit women from teaching or exercising authority over men in the church.
Unauthorized Innovations
While lacking biblical warrant, musical instruments and other innovations were added to worship. But Jesus says true worshipers worship in spirit and truth according to God’s Word (John 4:24), not based on human ideas.
A Difficult Decision
After my studies revealed these deviations from Scripture, I had to make the painful choice to separate from years of tradition and family relationships out of loyalty to Jesus Christ and His Word. I pray that others might humbly seek and submit to the authority of Scripture.

Korean Community Church Of New Jersey