The Catechism of the Catholic Church is an important text that summarizes Catholic beliefs and teachings. When writing a paper or article that references the Catechism, it’s important to cite it properly so readers can find the source. In this blog post, I’ll explain the different ways to cite the Catechism of the Catholic Church using the main citation styles.
Overview of the Catechism
First published in 1992, the Catechism of the Catholic Church aims to provide a complete summary of Catholic doctrine. Pope John Paul II approved it to strengthen Catholics’ faith all over the world.
The Catechism is divided into four main sections, or parts:
The Profession of Faith
This section covers the Apostles’ Creed and Catholic beliefs about the Trinity, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and more.
The Celebration of the Christian Mystery
This section explains Catholic sacraments, liturgy, and worship.
Life in Christ
Here, the Catechism covers Catholic moral theology, the Ten Commandments, virtues, grace, and more.
Christian Prayer
The final section discusses Catholic teachings on prayer, including the Lord’s Prayer.
With such comprehensive coverage, the Catechism provides an authoritative source for Catholic doctrine. Knowing how to cite it properly is key for theology papers.
Citing the Catechism in MLA Style
The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is commonly used in the humanities. To cite the Catechism in MLA format:
- List the title of the Catechism (italicized)
- Include the publication details:
- The section number (if applicable)
- Name of publisher
- Year published
For example:
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd ed., Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000, paragraph 343.
If you reference multiple sections, separate them with commas:
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd ed., Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000, paragraphs 50, 343, 1861.
Citing the Catechism in APA Style
In the social sciences, APA Style is the standard citation method. To cite the Catechism in APA format:
- List the title of the Catechism
- In brackets, include the year and paragraph number(s), separated by a comma
- End with a period
For example:
Catechism of the Catholic Church (2000, para. 343).
Or for multiple paragraphs:
Catechism of the Catholic Church (2000, paras. 50, 343, 1861).
Citing the Catechism in Chicago Style
The Chicago Manual of Style provides guidelines for citing in history and some theology publications. To cite the Catechism in Chicago Style footnotes:
- List the title of the Catechism (italicized)
- Include the publication details in parentheses: name of publisher, year published, paragraph number
- End with a period
For example:
Catechism of the Catholic Church (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000), par. 343.
In your bibliography, structure the reference like this:
Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2nd ed. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000.

Key Things to Include When Citing the Catechism
To ensure your citations lead readers to the correct paragraphs in the Catechism, always include:
- The full title
- Which edition you referenced
- Year of publication
- Publisher – Libreria Editrice Vaticana
- Paragraph number(s) referenced
Clearly listing this key information enables accurate retrieval of your source.
In-Text Citations Versus References/Bibliography
For MLA and APA styles, you’ll use in-text citations pointing to the year and paragraph numbers within the body of your paper. You do not need to include full reference list entries.
In Chicago style, the footnotes serve as the in-text citations. You would compile the sources referenced into a bibliography at the end.
So check the guidelines for the citation style you’re using to determine how to compile Catechism sources.
Citing Vatican and Papal Documents
Citations for other Vatican publications like papal encyclicals, decrees from church councils, etc. follow a similar structure to Catechism citations in MLA and APA.
In Chicago Style though, Vatican documents are cited differently than published books. Consult a Catholic theological writing guide for specifics.
The key is to clearly identify the document and relevant quotes or passages so readers can access the source.
Using Reference Management Tools
Formatting citations manually takes time. Reference management tools like EndNote, RefWorks, Zotero, and more provide citation templates making the process easier.
These programs allow you to:
- Search databases like JSTOR to import source details
- Organize sources into folders
- Insert properly formatted footnotes or bibliographies into Word docs
Look into which writing tool best fits your workflow when citing theological documents.
Common Questions about Citing the Catechism
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about formatting Catechism citations:
How do I cite a specific quote from the Catechism?
To cite a direct quote, include the relevant paragraph number(s) in your in-text citation or footnote rather than just referencing a section. This clearly indicates where the excerpt appears.
Should I include a URL link for the online Catechism?
No set guidelines require adding the URL in citations of the print edition. But check if your theological journal has specific electronic reference formats to follow.
What if I use an earlier Catechism edition?
Simply update the year in your citation to match which version you referenced rather than defaulting to the 2000 edition. All other elements (title, publisher, etc.) remain the same.
Following the provided citation examples and double-checking seminary handbooks will ensure you correctly format Catechism references. Doing so makes citing this key theological text much easier.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church summarizes core doctrines and teachings for Catholics worldwide. Knowing how to accurately cite it is crucial when writing theology papers and articles.
I hope this overview clarified the different citation methods to use depending on the required style:
- MLA – List title (italicized), publication details, and paragraph number(s)
- APA – List title, year and paragraph(s) in brackets
- Chicago – List title (italicized) and source in parentheses, with bibliography entry
Be sure to follow formatting guidelines closely to enable readers to access referenced Catechism passages. With the right citation manager tool, creating citations becomes even simpler.
Accurately citing sources like the seminal Catechism lends more credibility and authority to your theological writing. Use this guide as a reference to help you appropriately cite this essential document.

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