Chinese New Year 2025 falls on January 29, celebrating the Year of the Wood Snake. Here are 100 heartfelt wishes and greetings to share with family, friends, and colleagues during this festive season.
100 Chinese New Year Wishes for 2025
General New Year Greetings

- 新年快乐!(Xīn Nián Kuài Lè!) – Happy New Year!
- 恭喜发财!(Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái!) – Wishing you prosperity!
- 万事如意!(Wàn Shì Rú Yì!) – May all your wishes come true!
- 心想事成!(Xīn Xiǎng Shì Chéng!) – May all your desires be fulfilled!
- 年年有余!(Nián Nián Yǒu Yú!) – May you have surplus year after year!
Wishes for Health and Happiness

- 身体健康,万事如意!- Good health and may all go well with you!
- 笑口常开,好运连连!- May you smile often and have continuous good luck!
- 福寿安康!- Blessings, longevity, peace, and health!
- 吉祥如意,幸福安康!- Good fortune and happiness!
- 平安喜乐,身体健康!- Peace, joy, and good health!
Wishes for Prosperity and Success

- 生意兴隆,财源广进!- May your business flourish and your wealth increase!
- 事业有成,前程似锦!- Success in your career and a bright future!
- 步步高升,财运亨通!- May you climb higher and have prosperous wealth!
- 学业进步,前程似锦!- Progress in studies and a bright future!
- 工作顺利,升职加薪!- Smooth work and a promotion with a pay raise!
Family and Relationship Wishes

- 阖家欢乐,幸福美满!- Joy and happiness to your whole family!
- 家和万事兴!- When the family is harmonious, all affairs will prosper!
- 和气生财,家庭幸福!- Harmony brings wealth, happiness to your family!
- 团团圆圆,幸福美满!- May your family be complete and happy!
- 亲情永固,友情长存!- May family bonds be strong and friendships last forever!
Wishes Specific to the Year of the Wood Snake

- 蛇年大吉,步步高升!- Good fortune in the Year of the Snake, rising higher with each step!
- 蛇行千里,事业辉煌!- As the snake travels far, may your career shine bright!
- 蛇舞春风,万事如意!- As the snake dances in spring breeze, may all go well!
- 木蛇送福,智慧常伴!- May the Wood Snake bring blessings and wisdom always accompany you!
- 蛇年兴旺,家庭和睦!- Prosperity in the Snake Year and harmony in your family!
Business and Professional Wishes
- 生意兴隆,财源滚滚!- May your business thrive and wealth pour in!
- 事业腾飞,蒸蒸日上!- May your career soar and improve day by day!
- 合作共赢,前程似锦!- Win-win cooperation and a bright future!
- 业绩倍增,蛇年大吉!- May your performance double in this lucky Snake Year!
- 开工大吉,生意兴隆!- Good luck on the start of work and thriving business!
Wishes for Personal Growth
- 学有所成,前程似锦!- May you succeed in your studies and have a bright future!
- 智慧如蛇,灵活应变!- Wisdom like a snake, adaptable to changes!
- 勇攀高峰,梦想成真!- Bravely climb high peaks and make your dreams come true!
- 自强不息,蛇年有为!- Continuous self-improvement and achievements in the Snake Year!
- 开拓创新,蒸蒸日上!- Pioneering innovation and daily progress!
Wishes for Peace and Harmony

- 国泰民安,世界和平!- May the country be prosperous and the people at peace!
- 四海升平,天下太平!- Peace in all corners of the world!
- 和气生财,万事如意!- May harmony bring wealth and all things go as wished!
- 风调雨顺,国泰民安!- Favorable weather and a prosperous country with content citizens!
- 祥和安康,幸福美满!- Auspicious peace, health, and complete happiness!
Wishes for Good Fortune
- 福星高照,鸿运当头!- May the lucky star shine upon you and good fortune come your way!
- 吉星高照,万事如意!- May the auspicious star shine upon you and everything go well!
- 福禄寿喜,财运亨通!- Blessings, prosperity, longevity, happiness, and smooth wealth!
- 招财进宝,五福临门!- May wealth come to you and the five blessings enter your door!
- 好运连连,喜气洋洋!- Continuous good luck and overwhelming joy!
Wishes for Abundance

- 五谷丰登,六畜兴旺!- Bumper harvest of all crops and thriving livestock!
- 财源广进,库满仓盈!- May wealth flow in from all directions and your warehouses be full!
- 金玉满堂,富贵荣华!- May your halls be filled with gold and jade, wealth and honor!
- 年年有余,岁岁平安!- Surplus every year and peace every season!
- 福如东海,寿比南山!- Fortune as vast as the East Sea, longevity as enduring as the Southern Mountain!
Wishes for Wisdom and Knowledge
- 学富五车,才高八斗!- May your learning be as abundant as five carts and your talent as high as eight bushels!
- 才华横溢,学业有成!- Overflowing talent and success in studies!
- 博学多才,蛇年大展!- Knowledgeable and talented, great展展in the Snake Year!
- 智慧如海,学识渊博!- Wisdom as vast as the sea, knowledge profound and extensive!
- 学海无涯,勤能补拙!- The sea of learning has no boundaries, diligence can make up for a lack of intelligence!
Wishes for Love and Relationships

- 情深似海,心心相印!- May your love be as deep as the sea, hearts beating as one!
- 比翼双飞,白头偕老!- May you fly wing to wing and grow old together!
- 琴瑟和鸣,百年好合!- May you be in harmony like fine music, a good match for a hundred years!
- 缘分天注定,蛇年脱单!- Destiny is predetermined, may you find your match in the Snake Year!
- 两情相悦,佳偶天成!- Mutual affection and a match made in heaven!
Wishes for Children and Youth
- 学业进步,前程似锦!- Progress in studies and a bright future!
- 聪明伶俐,蛇年大展!- Clever and quick-witted, great展展in the Snake Year!
- 快高长大,前途无量!- Grow up quickly and have unlimited prospects!
- 天资聪颖,学习进步!- Naturally intelligent, progress in learning!
- 健康成长,前程似锦!- Grow up healthy with a bright future ahead!
Wishes for Seniors

- 福如东海,寿比南山!- Fortune as vast as the East Sea, longevity as enduring as the Southern Mountain!
- 松鹤长春,健康长寿!- May you be as vigorous as pine and crane, healthy and long-lived!
- 福寿双全,康乐无忧!- Both fortune and longevity, happiness without worries!
- 福寿安康,笑口常开!- Blessings, longevity, health, and always smiling!
- 福如东海,日月昌明!- Fortune as vast as the East Sea, days and months bright and prosperous!
Wishes for Friends
- 友谊长存,蛇年快乐!- May our friendship last forever, happy Snake Year!
- 心想事成,万事如意!- May all your wishes come true and everything go well!
- 友情地久天长,蛇年大吉!- May our friendship last as long as the earth and sky, good fortune in the Snake Year!
- 祝福满满,好运连连!- Full of blessings and continuous good luck!
- 友谊地久天长,幸福美满!- May our friendship last as long as the earth and sky, complete happiness!
Wishes for Colleagues

- 工作顺心,事业有成!- Smooth work and successful career!
- 蛇年大展,前程似锦!- Great展展in the Snake Year, bright future ahead!
- 升职加薪,蛇年大吉!- Promotion and pay raise, good fortune in the Snake Year!
- 合作愉快,共创佳绩!- Happy cooperation and creating great achievements together!
- 事业腾飞,蛇年吉祥!- Soaring career and auspicious Snake Year!
Wishes for Good Health
- 身体健康,万事如意!- Good health and may all go well!
- 龙马精神,活力四射!- Spirit of the dragon and horse, full of vitality!
- 健康长寿,永葆青春!- Health, longevity, and eternal youth!
- 身强体健,百病不侵!- Strong and healthy body, immune to all illnesses!
- 精神焕发,身体棒棒!- Energetic spirit and great physical condition!
Wishes for Travel and Adventure

- 蛇行千里,旅途愉快!- As the snake travels a thousand miles, have a pleasant journey!
- 四海为家,畅游天下!- Make the world your home, travel freely everywhere!
- 行程似锦,蛇年大吉!- Smooth travels and good fortune in the Snake Year!
- 一帆风顺,四海平安!- Smooth sailing and peace in all corners of the world!
- 游历四方,增广见闻!- Travel in all directions and broaden your horizons!
Wishes for Creativity and Innovation
- 创意无限,蛇年大展!- Unlimited creativity, great展展in the Snake Year!
- 灵感如泉,创新不断!- Inspiration like a spring, continuous innovation!
- 才思敏捷,独具匠心!- Quick-witted and uniquely skilled!
- 创意无穷,蛇年大展!- Endless creativity, great展展in the Snake Year!
- 匠心独运,创新不息!- Unique craftsmanship and never-ending innovation!
Miscellaneous Wishes

- 蛇年大吉,万事如意!- Good fortune in the Snake Year, may all go well!
- 新年新气象,蛇年新希望!- New atmosphere in the new year, new hope in the Snake Year!
- 岁岁平安,年年如意!- Peace every year, wishes fulfilled every year!
- 福星高照,鸿运当头!- Lucky star shining upon you, good fortune coming your way!
- 蛇年大吉,幸福美满!- Good fortune in the Snake Year, complete happiness!
Understanding Chinese New Year 2025
Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, is the most important traditional holiday in Chinese culture. In 2025, it falls on January 29, marking the beginning of the Year of the Wood Snake according to the Chinese zodiac.
Significance of the Year of the Wood Snake
The Wood Snake year is associated with wisdom, intuition, and transformation. People born in this year are believed to be intelligent, charming, and adaptable. The element of Wood adds qualities of growth, flexibility, and creativity to the Snake’s natural characteristics.
Key Traditions and Customs
Chinese New Year celebrations typically last for 15 days, with various customs and traditions observed:
- Family reunions and festive dinners
- Decorating homes with red lanterns and spring couplets
- Giving red envelopes (hongbao) filled with money
- Setting off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits
- Lion and dragon dances in public spaces
How to Use These Chinese New Year Wishes
These wishes can be used in various ways to celebrate the Chinese New Year:
- Send as text messages or emails to friends and family
- Write in greeting cards
- Use as social media posts or status updates
- Incorporate into New Year’s Eve toasts or speeches
- Display as decorations or banners in homes or offices
Remember, the spirit of Chinese New Year is about renewal, family, and good fortune. Whichever wishes you choose to share, the most important thing is the sentiment behind them.
The Art of Giving Chinese New Year Wishes
Giving Chinese New Year wishes is not just about reciting phrases; it’s an art that requires understanding the context, the relationship with the recipient, and the appropriate level of formality. Here are some tips to master the art of giving Chinese New Year wishes:
Understanding the Context
The context in which you’re giving the wish is crucial. For example, wishes given to family members are often more personal and heartfelt, while those given to business associates are more formal and focused on professional success.
Choosing the Right Level of Formality
The level of formality in your wish should match your relationship with the recipient. For close friends and family, you can use more casual and affectionate language. For elders, superiors, or business contacts, more formal and respectful language is appropriate.
Personalizing Your Wishes
While traditional phrases are always appreciated, personalizing your wishes can make them more meaningful. Consider the recipient’s current situation, goals, or challenges, and tailor your wish accordingly.
Timing Your Wishes
In Chinese culture, timing is important. While it’s common to start giving New Year wishes a few days before the actual New Year’s Day, the most auspicious time is usually on New Year’s Day itself or during the first few days of the New Year.
Combining Wishes
You can often combine two or more wishes to create a more comprehensive greeting. For example, you might wish someone both health and prosperity, or success in their career and harmony in their family.
Using Appropriate Body Language
When giving New Year wishes in person, your body language is as important as your words. A slight bow, a warm smile, or a respectful handshake (depending on the relationship and cultural norms) can enhance the sincerity of your wishes.
The Significance of Numbers in Chinese New Year Wishes
In Chinese culture, numbers play a significant role and are often incorporated into New Year wishes. Understanding the symbolism of numbers can help you choose or interpret wishes more effectively:
- 2: Symbolizes pairs and good things coming in twos
- 3: Represents growth
- 5: Signifies the five blessings: longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and a natural death
- 6: Sounds like “flow” and symbolizes everything going smoothly
- 8: Sounds like “prosperity” and is considered very lucky
- 9: Represents longevity
Regional Variations in Chinese New Year Wishes
While many Chinese New Year wishes are universal across Chinese-speaking regions, there are some regional variations:
Mainland China
In mainland China, wishes often focus on prosperity, happiness, and good fortune. The phrase “恭喜发财” (Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái) is particularly popular.
Hong Kong and Macau
In these regions, you might hear more Cantonese phrases. For example, “恭喜發財,身體健康” (Gung Hei Fat Choy, Sun Tai Gin Hong) is a common greeting wishing prosperity and good health.
Taiwanese New Year greetings often include wishes for peace and safety, such as “平安吉祥” (Píng Ān Jí Xiáng), meaning “Peace and good fortune.”
Singapore and Malaysia
In these multicultural societies, Chinese New Year wishes might be mixed with local languages. For instance, “新年快乐,万事如意” (Xīn Nián Kuài Lè, Wàn Shì Rú Yì) might be followed by “Selamat Tahun Baru” in Malay.
KCCNJ message
The Chinese New Year is a time of joy, renewal, and hope. These 100 wishes for the Year of the Wood Snake in 2025 offer a variety of ways to express your good wishes to friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones. Whether you’re celebrating Chinese heritage or simply appreciating this rich cultural tradition, these greetings can help you spread happiness and positivity during this festive season.
As we welcome the Year of the Wood Snake, let’s embrace its qualities of wisdom, adaptability, and transformation. May these wishes bring you and your loved ones good fortune, health, and happiness throughout the year.
恭喜发财,新年快乐!(Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái, Xīn Nián Kuài Lè!) – Wishing you prosperity and a Happy New Year!

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