The Catholic Church has a multi-faceted mission to spread the gospel message of Jesus Christ and build God’s kingdom on earth. This is accomplished through various aspects of the church’s work and ministry around the world.
Evangelization and Missionary Efforts
A core priority of the Catholic Church is evangelization—proclaiming the good news of salvation through Christ to all people. This Great Commission drives the Church’s efforts to evangelize both locally and globally.
Local Outreach
On the local level, parishes and dioceses have an imperative to evangelize within their communities. This is done through outreach activities, charitable works, adult education and RCIA programs, youth ministry, and making disciples within existing Catholic families. The hope is for the gospel message to spread organically from believer to unbeliever.
Global Missions
The Church also has a huge global missionary outreach, sending priests, religious brothers and sisters, and lay missionaries to countries all over the world. Missionary orders like the Jesuits, Franciscans, Maryknoll Missionaries, and many others have been established for this very purpose. The aim is to plant the seeds of faith in areas where Christianity is new or not widely practiced.

Social Justice and Charitable Causes
Another key aspect of the Catholic mission is working for social justice and serving those in need. This takes shape through the Church’s vast network of hospitals, schools, homeless shelters, food pantries, orphanages, refugee resettlement programs, prison ministries, and emergency relief services.
Serving the Marginalized
The Church makes special efforts to serve groups that are poor, sick, disabled, elderly, imprisoned, refugees, or otherwise marginalized. Following Christ’s model of loving “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40), the Church uses advocacy and charitable programs to promote human dignity and stand up for the oppressed.
Seeking Justice and Peace
Globally and locally, Catholic leaders also promote justice, nonviolence, an ethic of life, and reconciliation between groups in conflict. This includes denouncing institutionalized violence against minority groups, defending religious liberty, pursuing nuclear disarmament, fighting poverty and exploitation, and more. The Church sees the biblical concept of shalom as part of its mission.
Celebrating Sacraments and Liturgy
At the core of the Catholic mission is the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church. The sacraments are efficacious signs through which God dispenses grace to His people, sustaining them on their journey of faith.
Sacramental Ministry
Catholics must participate in the sacraments and ensure future generations have access to them. Key sacraments that require priestly ministry include baptism, Eucharist, reconciliation, confirmation, and anointing of the sick. Through these sacraments, the church nourishes souls, builds community, and worships God.
Liturgy and Prayer
The Mass is the highest form of Catholic worship, centered around the Eucharist. Churches are specially built for liturgical celebration, prayer, and praise through Mass, the Divine Office, devotional practices, music, and art. This beauty and mystery draw the faithful closer to God and each other. It is also a witness to the culture.
Unity and Community
An often overlooked aspect of the Catholic mission is nurturing unity within the church community and fellowship among believers.
Keeping the Faith
Great emphasis is placed on passing on the deposit of faith to each successive generation. Through religious education programs, youth ministry initiatives, Catholic schools, and universities, the Church aims to firmly ground members in Catholic theology and practice.
Fostering Community
The Church also builds local communities centered in the parish. This could involve Bible studies, volunteer groups, Catholic professional associations, young adult events, mom’s groups, Knights of Columbus chapters, and much more. These activities strengthen bonds between believers in brotherly love.
There is also a push in the Catholic Church for ecumenism – promoting unity between Christian churches through dialogue and joint efforts. This works to tear down the walls that divide Christian communities and find common ground. The ultimate goal is full visible unity among believers in Christ.
The Catholic Church has a multi-faceted mission to spread the Gospel, serve those in need, celebrate the sacraments, nurture community within the Church, and promote Christian unity. All of this is done to build God’s kingdom on earth and manifest the love of Christ to all peoples. This mission spans from the local level to global Church efforts.

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